Congratulations on finishing the trainings!
Ready to become a TIST Champion?
7. How to Become a TIST Champion
Now you know enough to become a TIST Champion. Below we will walk you through the next steps to start growing trees and leaders in your area.
Step 1: Start a Small Group
The foundation of TIST
Identify 6-12 members in your community to start a Small Group. Think carefully about your group, you spend the next 60 years working together! And remember, Small Group members must come from at least three different families. When you have identified the members of your Small Group, help them to access this site to complete these trainings. Then go to the TIST Learning Centre to register your group (more on that further down).
Step 2: Use Small Group Best Practices
We are servants to each other
Meet with your Small Group weekly and practice rotating leadership with your Leader, Co-Leader, and Accountability person. Encourage each other through Kujengana, and remember to uphold the TIST Values in your group. Remember, we are servants to each other!
Step 3: Start tree nurseries
Growing trees, growing leaders
Meet with your Group to start collecting seeds and start tree nurseries in raised seedbeds. Remember, as a Small Group you are committing to plant 1,000 trees per year for the first 5 years!
Step 4: Recruit your neighbours
Growing TIST one small group at a time
Start recruiting your neighbours to join TIST and start their own Small Groups by inviting them to these online trainings and telling them about TIST. When enough Small Groups are created in your area, TIST can form a Cluster, which will help support more training and monitoring of trees in your area.
Ready to Go and Do? Join the TIST Learning Centre
The final step is to join the TIST Learning Centre for more training and to register your Small Group. The TIST Learning Centre is a free resource for TIST members and Small Groups, and here are some things you will learn after joining the TIST Learning Centre:
In the TIST Learning Centre you can also register your Small Group and check whether your Small Group is eligible to join TIST. You will also be able to submit information about your trees and the groves you are starting with your small group.
What you have learned in these trainings is just the beginning of many wonderful things you will learn as part of the TIST community. And congratulations, you are now ready to become a TIST Champion! Click on the link below to join the Learning Centre and register your group:
Review the trainings
Do you want to review the trainings in this site? These trainings are available for anyone to access, and please spend as much time reviewing them as you need.
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